copy if you buy in lots of five or more. And the piece de rezist- ance of this trade, though I have not seen it advertised for quite awhile, is the "long out of print-unexpurgated-hard cover-library edition" of Drafft-Ebing's Psychopathia Sexualis for which they are asking $12.95 or $17.50 or some similar monetary exorbitance. I am surprised that there must yet be people who do not know that this book has been in bookstores all over the country off and on for fifty years and at three dellars the copy more or less and that most of the clinical detail is printed, as it has always been, in Latin.

Latin being mentioned it might recall to some minds the well wern phrase in that language, caveat emptor--let the buyer beware. Maybe that is a correct viewpoint, but I doubt I shall ever be con- vinced.

You may find the ads for all the aforementioned garbage in the back pages of those "He-man, breast, art photo, breast, masculine, breast, real masculine, breast--" and like that, which disguised as slick magazines clutter up mest news stands and attract clouds of gaping adolescents.

I have not by any means begun to consider everything that is available--I do not have access to much of it. Yet my point has been that much of what exists outside the world of Chevalier Pub- lications is not for me, it answers no question, no call. There is about it an aura of slickness, brittleness and dishonesty that plays false with any emotion I might have for it. If I have made my point at all you will see that I take no issue with any difference of be- havior, criticize no man's taste no matter how much it be at variance with my own or with the norm. My criticism is of those who would make cynical capital of such difference.

But there is a need for a more constructive approach than mine has been. There is a need, I feel, for an exchange of information on what is available to and about us, little though it may be. And to this purpose, although I have never written a book review, I will contribute such information as comes to my attention. I hope others will do the same. I am weary of seeking out things in which I might be interested only to find that they are crude fantasies on slick paper and seem designed for rich and/or foolish children. That I am quite hopefully convinced, ain't me!

